Cow Hollow Association’s continuing efforts to monitor and comment on Presidio development projects is important because the Presidio is part of our neighborhood, and therefore part of our daily lives, with the YMCA, Bowling Alley and SportsBasement as examples. The proximity of the Presidio means that the density of development there will affect the parking and traffic flow and congestion in our neighborhood streets. To learn what happening at the Presidio, click here.
Cow Hollow, as an organization, has been participating in the process of converting the Presidio from an army base into a National Park, as one of the various concurring parties in the Master Plan for the Main Post. We also participate as delegates to NAPP, Neighborhood Associations for the Planning of the Presidio.
There are ways you can participate as an individual in the process. You can write letters and emails to the Trust Board of Directors, as the issues come up. And you can also take the opportunity to voice your opinion at the periodic public Board of Directors Meetings of the Trust. So please look for the notices that Cow Hollow send out ahead of these meetings and let your voice be heard. Please contact us if you would like to be involved in our efforts to track, influence and respond to Presidio issues.