In our efforts to address all the issues that have an impact on our neighborhood and city, we have created a new role associated with the CHA board call CHA Liaison. This is a person who is an CHA member and wants to lead an effort on one specific project. They report back to the board on their efforts and attend meetings as necessary. Over the last year we have added the following three liaisons.
Community Police Advisory Board: David Greenthal – David attends monthly meetings with the Northern Station police department and representatives from across the City to identify and addresss crime-related issues impacting our neighborhood.
Edward II TAY Housing: Elaine Larkin and David Greenthal– Elaine and David are the CHA’s representatives on the Project Advisory Committee (PAC) for the Edward II Transistional Age Youth (TAY) project. The PAC is part of the overall Neighborhood Benefit Agreement developed between Community Housing Partnership (CHP) and the CHA to assist with the implementation and management of the Project, to address neighborhood concerns, and to facilitate an ongoing dialogue between Project Sponsor, CHA, and other neighborhood groups and individuals.
Cow Hollow Playground Clubhouse: Michelle Mimmini – Michelle is working with our Board member, David Bancroft, who is leading the effort to define funding and programming for the Cow Hollow Playground Clubhouse when it comes off its lease to the current tenant. The goal is to reopen and reinvigorate the Clubhouse for use by the entire community.